
We are proud to be able to deliver a varied range of support, to suit individuals who contact or are referred to us. Whatever stage an adult is at during their adoption journey, can be emotionally demanding, whether tracing, lead up to contact or reunion or indeed just dealing with the challenges and questions that adoption can pose.  We offer a range of support either face to face, via phone or email :


Peer Support


Adopt NI we offer peer support on a one-to-one and group basis. Through listening and sharing experiences peers can learn from one another and gain insight and understanding into their own and others' perspectives. Both one-to-one and group support are facilitated by an experienced member of our team.


One to one

One-to-one support offers individuals an opportunity to talk in confidence to one of their peers or an experienced member of the Adopt NI team.

We can arrange for people to meet with someone else from within the adoption or looked after community e.g. an adoptee meeting up with a birth mother or another adoptee. The meeting would be facilitated by an experienced team member. Similarly a member of the Adopt NI team can meet with you individually.

The service is aimed at those who are not ready, or do not want, to attend a support group. It is free and open-ended, i.e. it is available as often and as long as the client needs the service. Use our contact form for more details.

Support Groups

General/Mixed support groups are open to all adults with a connection to adoption, i.e. birth parents, their partners, adoptees, their partners, siblings, adoptive parents, etc). 

Adopt NI are always keen to address the need for specific support groups if required and are keen to hear from professionals or individuals from across NI regarding this.

We currently run a general support group:

Venue: Adopt NI offices at Unit 2, 18 Heron Road, Belfast BT3 9LE - Parking is available.

Time: 7.30 - 9.30pm

Date: First Tuesday of every month (except when it falls on a holiday)